Recently, I decided it was time to clean my saw blades to remove a bunch of built-up gunk. I laid the blades on newspaper to suck up the extra cleaning solution and I cleaned a few. I looked down at a huge mess I had just made and I said to myself, “There has to be a better way.”
Boom… it hits me to clean the blades in the lid of a 5 gallon drywall pail! It worked great, mess free, and saved on the cleaning solution, too. I used CMT’s Formula 2050 Blade & Bit Cleaner and a stiff plastic bristle brush to do the cleaning.
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great ty vm
I use Totally Awesome concentrate to clean blades. It costs $1 at the Dollar Store and is ... totally awesome!
thank you
George I have a 13" DW735w planer and want to know what is used to clean the rollers and mechanical parts.