Tool Actuated Vacuum Review
George VondriskaDescription
Wait for it. Isn't that cool? What happens is that when I turn my portable power tool on like the belt sander I've got here, the vacuum comes on with it. When I turn it off, the vacuum goes off. So here's what we're talking about.
This is a style of what's called tool actuated vacuum and the deal is that a tool actuated vac will have a plug here on the front that I can plug a tool into. When the switch is in the correct position, every time I turn the tool on the vacuum comes on. Turn the tool off, the vacuum shuts itself off. Quite typically the vacuum will cycle five to seven seconds after the tool is shut off that way we make sure we have all the dust evacuated out of the hose that's feeding into the vacuum. If you haven't used one of these yet, you're gonna love it when you get one because what it does is it prevents this idea of oh, I've gotta reach way over there and turn on the vacuum, I'm just gonna make one cut.
Well, you're just gonna make one cut about 1,000 times in a day and pretty soon you've got a pile of sawdust up to your eyeballs. So, once you're plugged into this, it's gonna automatically cycle on, cycle off every time you run the portable power tool. One of the things to look for if you're vacuum shopping is the rating of amperage that the plug can take. So, you can find out from the manufacturer what's the maximum number of amps I can plug in here so that the vacuum will actually work. On some vacuums they will provide kind of a circuit breaker over here so if you overload the system, the breaker will pop and then you know that you're running too many amps in there.
So, check out these tool actuated vacs. They're a really good way to keep your shop nice and clean and make sure that a vacuum is running every time you're making dust.
I'd love to know how much something like that costs