WWGOA LIVE! April 2016
Joni Van DusartzDescription
We had a guest for this session: Joni Van Dusartz. Joni has been woodworking for over 20 years, including running a commercial cabinet shop. From CNC to finishing, Joni has a lot of woodworking experience. She brought along some of her intarsia for “show and tell,” which lead to some great questions.
:24 Intro of Joni and her intarsia
3:16 George’s jigs
4:08 Bandsaw resawing/carbide blades? More on resawing
5:26 Benchtop planers/importance of variable speed
6:40 Z zeroing problems on a benchtop CNC
8:12 Pitch on table saw blades
9:18 Step by step for kitchen cabinets General info on cabinetmaking Kitchen Cabinets DVDs
10:56 Joni’s tips on staining wood
12:26 Coiling a bandsaw blade Video on coiling Bruce Kieffer’s coiling technique
16:06 Bat house How to Build a Bat House
15:50 Removing paint from wood
17:05 Prevent chipping when drilling with a forstner
18:26 Joni’s go-to blade for scroll saw work More help on choosing the right scroll saw blade
20:00 Staining wood through and through
21:20 Setting up a mortiser More mortiser info Setting the auger General set up Correct cutting technique
27:17 Intarsia patterns
27:58 Intarsia for beginners
29:13 Drawing your own intarsia patterns
29:51 Scroll saw or bandsaw for intarsia?
31:26 Sequence of intarsia cuts
31:56 Lathe chisel selection Choosing a Starter Set of Lathe Chisels Carbide lathe chisel in action
35:40 Sharpening Check out the variety of sharpening techniques on WWGOA.com
37:20 Fastening intarsia patterns to the material Joni’s video on fastening patterns
38:39 Horizontal vs vertical panel raisers Choosing a panel raiser
40:30 Cutting a straight line on a scroll saw
42:18 Preventing expansion and contraction in solid wood
43:25 Starting out with SketchUp Check out the WWGOA SketchUp Class
45:12 Woodburning or staining intarsia pieces
46:35 SawStop brakes Watch our video on how to change a SawStop brake
48:13 Dust free finishing Here’s a tip on keeping your finish dust free
50:06 How long did Joni’s wolf take to make?
50:38 Protecting tools from rust
52:30 Tensioning scroll saw blades
54:52 CNC parts Here are some samples of what a CNC machine can do
56:40 Taper jig on the table saw Tapered cuts using a pattern Shop-made taper jig Using a commercial taper jig
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